
Combat Roll




Mc Cree Hero Guide

McCree is the quintessential hitscan DPS hero of the Overwatch universe. Although McCree has a few tricks up his sleeve, his main kit is based entirely on his trusty primary fire: Peacekeeper Icon Peacekeeper. The range of Peacekeeper makes McCree a strong fighter at medium range and short distances, but excellent aim is key to McCree performance. No matter how you slice it, a player's capability with McCree is entirely dependent on the player's ability to "point-and-shoot" Peacekeeper with unerring accuracy. Let's check out his abilities in-depth:
Fan the Hammer is McCree's secondary fire for Peacekeeper. Fan the Hammer has some uses, which we will detail later in the abilities section, but as a general rule of thumb, if you are shooting a target that cannot be hit with a headshot, you should use Fan the Hammer
Although a high reaction time and pinpoint accuracy are vital when playing McCree, the player has a number of abilities that help him stay alive. One of these abilities, Combat Roll Icon Combat Roll, increases McCree's mobility, decreases his hitbox, and simultaneously reloads his weapon. Combat Roll can be used as a gap closer to throw out his Flashbang Icon Flashbang, or as a defensive maneuver to dodge enemy fire.
When an enemy gets too close for comfort, McCree can rely on a well-placed Flashbang to stop them in their tracks. Flashbang is a crowd control ability that stuns the enemy and allows McCree to line up easy headshots for an instant 140 damage. There are other uses to McCree's Flashbang, but we will cover them on his ability page.
Last, but surely not least, is McCree's ultimate ability: Deadeye Icon Deadeye. Deadeye is a channeled ability that can take out any number of enemies as long as they are in line of sight and McCree has charged Deadeye enough. Deadeye is a powerful ultimate that can change the tide of battle in an instant, so its utilization is key in high-tier Overwatch play.